Choosing a venue: your checklist for success
Choosing a venue: your checklist for success
January 8, 2024
Ian Hazel Schoolhire Solutions Ltd
Meet Ian: Managing Director and founder of Schoolhire Solutions Ltd
January 9, 2024
7 Valentine's Day event ideas Schoolhire Solutions Ltd. Feature image blog

Planning a party or hosting an event for Valentine’s Day? Here are 7 Valentine’s Day event ideas

With Valentine’s Day only a few weeks away and love very much in the air, we’re looking at 7 Valentine’s Day event ideas for any planning a Valentine’s party or event around February 14th. 

7 Valentine’s Day event ideas

Romantic film screening: whether you’d like to admit it or not, we’re all partial to a romantic film or 2 and what better time to watch a romantic film than on Valentine’s Day!? Hosting a romantic film screening in your local school’s hall or sports hall is a great way to bring your local community together whilst supporting your local school. 

Couples’ cookery class: what better way to bring couples together than by cooking a romantic 3 course meal for 2? Cooking together is thought to be a powerful bonding exercise between couples that improves communication, strengthens connections and builds trust. If this is something you’re considering, your local school’s dining room/canteen is the ideal facility to host this kind of event – affordable, well-located and featuring a generous range of amenities. 

Food and drink tasting events: Valentine’s Day tends to revolve around enjoying good food and drink with the person you love and hosting a wine or chocolate tasting event for an exclusive group of foodie couples is a lovely way to make attending couples feel special and enjoy each other’s company in a fun and unusual way. And, whether hosting a small and exclusive group of people or a large gathering of couples, your local school could prove to be the ideal venue – offering a range of facilities such as classrooms and sports halls, depending on the size of the space you need. 

Dance class: Salsa. Tango. Rumba. These are considered to be the most sensual and romantically charged dances couples can enjoy together, and participating in a dance class for Valentine’s Day is a sure fire way for couples to enjoy each other’s company, laugh and move together; make new friends, communicate in a meaningful way and have a lot of fun together. With this, a school dance studio, theatre or hall can be a great place to host this kind of event. 

Murder mystery dinner: murder mystery events can be a lot of fun and bring couple’s together, not only to enjoy good food and drinks, but also to work together as a team and problem-solve which, in turn, helps to improve communication, build trust and promote deductive reasoning skills.

Live music: another fun and exciting Valentine’s Day event idea is to host a live music event. Live music appeals to a wide range of people and listening to music is certainly an activity all couples can share in. What’s more, school theatres and school halls with a theatre set up are an affordable, accessible venue option for this type of event. 

Live comedy evening: following on from live music is hosting a live comedy evening. There are many benefits to couples laughing together – such as a shared sense of wellbeing, quality of life and general feelings of satisfaction. 


If any of these Valentine’s Day event ideas have inspired you, browse our growing directory of school facilities for hire, here, or contact us for more information. 


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