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School lettings checklist feature image blog Schoolhire Solutions Ltd-min

Considering letting your school? Here’s our school lettings checklist

The following school lettings checklist has been created to help decision makers responsible for schools and their facilities prepare for community lettings and maximise income. 

School lettings checklist

Before and upon committing to letting out your school facilities to the community, it is recommended that the following elements and factors be considered – 

Before committing to school lettings:

Variety: do you have a variety of facilities to offer hirers? Schools with various options and facilities are extremely valuable, popular and often in-demand with local business, clubs or groups looking to hire a venue in their community. 

Parking and public transport: can you offer on site and/or free parking and are you located close to public transport links such as regular bus routes and a train/tube station? Venues that are easy to go to (and from) are especially desirable to hirers and their attendees. 

Do you have or do you require any special permissions?: whether you need permission from your overarching trust or there are particular restrictions in place via the local council, it’s always a good idea to confirm whether you need any special permissions to let out your school facilities or any restrictions in place. 

Upon committing to school lettings:

Prepare a dedicated facilities hire page: having a dedicated page on your website that clearly shows that you offer your facilities for hire to the local community, with pictures and details, is a great way to get the word out and drum up interest. 

Take photos: taking photos of the facilities available for hire is an effective way to show potential hirers exactly what they’ll get when they book your venue.

Map out your building: making a map of your building(s) available to hirers should they need or request it is a good way of ensuring hirers can book and use your facilities with confidence; knowing where everything is located and how to get to the facilities they’ve booked. 

Create a dedicated bookings email address: creating a dedicated email address specifically for bookings will help you separate facilities bookings from the general day-to-day admin associated with your school, as well as helping you monitor the amount and types of bookings you receive. 

Work with a dedicated school lettings agency/company: working with an agency/company dedicated to promoting, preparing and arranging school lettings – like Schoolhire Solutions Ltd. – is going to take the pressure off of you and your team to do all of the above, plus after-event venue care; leaving you with more time to focus on your school and your pupils whilst still benefiting from the additional income lettings provide. What’s more, companies dedicated to this have typically spent years forming ongoing and long term relationships with potential hirers – making the process so much easier. 


To talk to us about letting out your school facilities, please contact us or sign up to our newsletter for monthly updates.


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